søndag den 21. august 2011

Opposition to mantra chanting and fallacy in the criticis

In traditional Buddhism, incantations and all types of rituals were prohibited saying that
they have no saving power. The teachings found in the old texts of Buddhism state that
Lord Buddha had prohibited doing mantra chanting. This needs to be analyzed a bit.
The incarnation of Buddha happened at a time when the Vedic rituals were conducted in
large  numbers and lot of animal  slaughter was taking place. Lord Buddha condemned
all animal killing and along with it he rejected the entire package of Vedas in order to
make  himself  free  from  their  traditions  and  practices.  But  when  the  content  of  the
teaching is seen it is the same. Buddha emphasized shoonya or emptiness, which, when
closely looked at, is completely the  same as the
or  fullness of the Vedas. What
was called as shoonya by Buddha was the

of the Vedas.
So the teaching was the same, only the methods followed to understand and realize were
different. This is one of the reasons why most of the Buddhist traditions very religiously
practice  mantra chanting; mantras  of  Buddha  or  tara or  padmasambhava etc.  They
perform a lot of rituals also. The tantric Buddhism of Tibet is one very  famous sect in
this tradition. One very peculiar thing to be seen is though Lord Buddha had condemned
killing of animals even many Buddhist monks are non-vegetarians

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