søndag den 21. august 2011

Gayatri mantra

Another most important and popular mantra found in the Veda’s is the Gayatri Mantra.
In reality it is the savitri mantra or the mantra for the Sun God or it can be looked upon
as the mantra for Brahman.
It is in Gayatri meter called Gayatri chandas in  Sanskrit.  In  fact there are at least  50
known mantras in Gayatri Chandas, one as given above for Rama mantra.
This mantra which is done three junctions of the day, once when the night changes into
day at the time of dawn, second at the mid noon, and the third at the dusk.
This mantra is:
“Om bhur bhuvaswaha.
tat savitur varenyam.
bhargo devasya dhîmahi.
dhiyo yonaha prachodayât”.
This is considered as the mantra of 24 letters. The first three letters are not included in
the count. This mantra has intonations and they are to be followed while chanting. This
is a  prayer  done to the  Infinite Consciousness. The individual  says that  I  meditate  on
that Infinite Consciousness which is illuming the orb in the sun and the intellect in the
individual. May that Consciousness enlighten our intellect.
Vishwa Mitra is the rishi for this mantra, Gayatri is the Chandas and Savitri or Sun God
is the Deity.

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